Competences to evolve

What equipment do we need, if we are to facilitate a future with thriving people in thriving places on a thriving planet? Our ‘kit bag’ contains a range of tools from stakeholder analysis to facilitation methods and from intervention design to project management. It includes approaches that we use on a regular basis and those that inspire our work. We’re continuously evolving our competences and capacity with a particular interest in awareness based systems change and place-based approaches.

Equipment A-M

Action Research

Whether technical feasibility study or social science project, we can help design interventions from proposal development to dissemination of findings. Our particular focus is on action research and intervention design for implementation into current and evolving practice. 

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Bioregional Mapping

A participatory process for communities to map ecological and physical information (geology, flora, fauna, inhabitation) alongside social and cultural information (traditional crafts, agricultural practices) over time. Inspired by Indigenous Mapping it is a powerful tool to increase collective understanding of place and landscape and change narratives.

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Case Clinic

A peer coaching process designed to identify innovative solutions, based on the principles of the U-process and process consultation. The method enables peer learning and trust between group members and invites to explore new approaches as they emerge.

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City Portraits

A holistic snapshot of a city's performance across the social and ecological dimensions on a local and a global scale, depicted on a canvas. At its core sits the question “How can our city be a home to thriving people, in a thriving place, whilst respecting the wellbeing of all people, and the health of the whole planet?”. 

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Communities of Practice

A collaborative approach to learning which enables the participation of a diverse network of organisations. CoPs gather people around a shared need, challenge or opportunity. They enable knowledge exchange and prototyping of innovative approaches.

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Conferences & Workshops

Connecting people around engaging topics is a key ingredient for systems change. From event concepts to hosting and facilitation, from half-day workshops to 2-day conferences, online or in person, in multiple languages or just one, we’re happy to create interactive experiences that inspire reflection and action.

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Design Hackathon

A form of crowdsourcing innovation across multiple disciplines, including citizens, future users,  designers and technologists and more. Typically organised within a condensed period of time, e.g. 24-hours challenges, and in physical spaces which take participants out of their usual environments.

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Empathy Walk

An exercise in deep listening, the empathy walk is a great method to facilitate connection and generate trust between collaborators and stakeholders. The walk typically consists of two people sharing their inner thoughts about a defined theme during 15 to 20 minutes each, whereby one person takes the role of the listener while the other speaks.

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Expert Groups

Convening a group of experts over a shorter or longer period of time is an effective way to establish common ground on knowns and known unknowns of a topic. Using a range of facilitation tools and processes, it enables experts across disciplines, academia and practice, to develop technical insights and policy recommendations on complex issues.

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Expert Interview

A standard method in qualitative research, expert interviews help gain an overview of current issues and state of debates within a theme. They provide insight into the range of perspectives amongst experts in research or practice and can be an excellent engagement tool.

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A facilitation method that enables large groups to discuss controversial issues in a conversational setting. A small number of speakers are seated in a circle in the centre - the fishbowl - with all other participants seated around them taking the role of observers. Individuals can temporarily join the inner circle through rotation.

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Future Narratives

Collective imagination and co-creative storytelling around utopian near future scenarios are enabling the emergence of new narratives. In collaboration with Futurs Proches we are facilitating workshops which invite participants to co-develop short stories for a desirable future.

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Learning journeys

Stepping out of our daily context and into a different culture, industry or country inspires curiosity and learning. We organise study trips and site visits around Europe to facilitate collaboration and  knowledge exchange between professionals. Our emphasis is on low-carbon travel.

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3D Modelling

Using collective intelligence the method helps represent the challenges of a complex system and allows for an intuitive understanding of their dynamics. It combines the prototyping techniques of Design-Thinking with the practices of a systemic approach and enables stakeholders to discover key leverage points for unlocking action.

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Equipment N-Z

Open Space

A framework for larger group meetings which invites participants to co-create discussions by formulating and taking responsibility for topics within a central theme. It combines an informal atmosphere with a sense of purpose and harnesses the creativity and enthusiasm of participants around specific topics.

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Project Management

You won't need a definition. But if in doubt: We’re using our knowledge and skills to realise the potential of a project within defined timelines and financial constraints. If anything, we’re known for delivering value on a shoe-string budget in multi-stakeholder settings.

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Regenerative Design

“Regenerative development is the process of harmonising the activity of human communities with the continuing evolution of life on our planet – a process that also develops our own potential as humans.” We’re currently exploring the application of a range of frameworks. More on these in the future.

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A whole systems approach to designing and leading organisations, sociocracy enables dynamic self-governance through power distribution and shared values of equality. It is designed to create a resilient and coherent system and relies on transparency, inclusiveness, and accountability. We're beginners on the sociocratic journey.

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Social Presencing Theatre

Also known as 4D mapping, this method connects emotional and body intelligence to make visible current realities in social systems. As a physical experience it enables a shared understanding of the interconnections of a system that goes beyond our cognitive ability to express our perceptions.

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Stakeholder Analysis

A systemic way to analyse and map stakeholders along a set of chosen criteria such as power, influence, interest, capacity, role and position in a value chain or community. While such analysis can be a ‘big data’ task, we see this as a form of positive intervention to build relationships within a network, industry or region.

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Stakeholder Engagement

Systems change is inherently a relational task. Building trust and maintaining strong relationships with key stakeholders is crucial for achieving change. We’re using a range of customised engagement tools, from newsletter to dialogue to communities of practice, depending on the type of stakeholder and their relevance.

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Stakeholder Interview

Conducted by practitioners with key stakeholders in their ecosystem, this particular interview form allows the interviewer to step into the shoes of the interviewee and see their role through their eyes. It is based on deep listening skills and invites emergence for interviewer and interviewee.

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Nothing captures our mind and our imagination more than a really good story. Through the means of film, audio and writing we can inspire reflection and challenge narratives and perspectives. Storytelling brings people together and invites us to travel without leaving our homes.

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A research method using questionnaires to collect data from a number of people. We’re experienced in online and telephone surveys. For larger surveys requiring statistical analysis of high quantities of data, we typically collaborate with university partners.

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Three Horizons

The model provides a deeper understanding of short, medium and long term futures. It facilitates futures thinking by enabling people to share different perspectives and engage with the process of disruption and emergence inherent in systems transformation.

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Capacity building is key in any regenerative project. Equipped with a host of adult learning techniques, we can design and deliver made to measure training programmes in English, French and German. These typically encompass a number of methods listed on this website.

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Wheel of Wisdom

Designed to help resolve group conflicts and answer personal questions, the Wheel contains eight archetypal leadership roles that awaken, energise and support collective and personal learning. It enables groups and individuals to find intelligence, humanity and power in differences of perspectives, make coherent choices and reach agreements for collective action.

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World Café

Making use of an informal ‘café’ setting, this engagement method harnesses the collective intelligence inherent in large groups. It invites participants to explore an issue in small table groups over multiple rounds, adding to previous discussions at each table rotation. It enables knowledge sharing and new connections.

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