Working towards potential

Our aim is regeneration. We’re providing analytical frameworks, hands-on support and coaching at every step along the journey towards systemic change within a Bioregion, industry sector or community. We’re mostly working on realising the potential for territorial resilience and climate change mitigation by connecting people in places through social, entrepreneurial and technical innovation. Our current adventures are all about trees, land use, housing needs, circular economy and one-planet living.


Our work is guided by regenerative design principles. We see the world as a living system. Facilitating change means dancing with complexity, it asks for collaboration and unlocking the power of community. Values are at the heart of this. Learn about our values.



Our adventures bring together professionals with complementary skills, experience and personalities. Trust is our currency. Shared values and the ability to challenge our thinking drive our successful collaborations across cultures and disciplines. Explore our ecosystem.



Great adventures require appropriate equipment and know-how to use it in the right context. Our ‘kit bag’ ranges from stakeholder analysis to facilitation methods and from intervention design to project management. And it keeps evolving. Check our equipment.



Every project is an invitation to experiment. Our adventures explore questions around affordable housing, biodiversity, timber construction, natural hazards, renewable energy, sustainable forestry, supported employment, window manufacturing and many more. Enjoy our adventures.
